President Duterte’s Address at the 75th Session of the United Nations General Assembly Reflects his Administration’s Priorities, Concerns and Agenda
PHILIPPINE STATEMENT PRESIDENT RODRIGO ROA DUTERTE General Debate 75th Session of the General Assembly 22 September 2020 (Tuesday), General Assembly Hall, New York Theme: “The future we want, the United Nations we need: reaffirming our collective commitment to multilateralism – confronting COVID-19 through effective multilateral action.” Mr. President of the …

H.E. Ambassador Sung Y. Kim Conferred the Order of Sikatuna with rank of Datu (Grand Cross), Gold Distinction
STATEMENT FROM THE OFFICE OF THE PRESIDENT OF THE PHILIPPINES Farewell Call of H.E. Sung Y. Kim Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the United States of America to the Republic of the Philippines 7 September 2020 President Rodrigo Roa Duterte congratulated H.E. Sung Y. Kim, outgoing Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary …

President Duterte Welcomes the US-Philippines Society
February 20, 2019 Manila, Philippines Directors of the US-Philippines Society concluded a highly successful five-day business mission to the Philippines on February 20 with a call on President Rodrigo R. Duterte, who welcomed the Society’s bi-national board, led by Co-chair Manuel V. Pangilinan and Society President Ambassador John F. Maisto. …

US-Philippines Society Courtesy Call on President Duterte
US-Philippines Society co-chair Manuel V. Pangilinan and President Ambassador John F. Maisto led the US-Philippines directors during the Presidential Courtesy Call on February 20, 2019 at the Malacanan Palace, Manila. Click here to view the video clip.

Speech of President Rodrigo Duterte During the Turnover of Balangiga Bells
Presidential Communications Operations Office Presidential News Desk Speech of President Rodrigo Roa Duterte During the Turnover of the Balangiga Bells Delivered at Balangiga Auditorium, Balangiga, Eastern Samar, 15 December 2018 Kindly sit down. I was given a choice whether I would give a talk or not. But considering the emotional …

President Rodrigo R. Duterte welcomed the US-Philippines Society in Manila
Malacañan Palace, Manila – President Rodrigo R. Duterte personally welcomed the Society’s bi-national board, led by Co-chairs Manuel V. Pangilinan and Ambassador John D. Negroponte, during a full, friendly and lively exchange at Malacañan Palace on Tuesday, February 20 that included U.S. Ambassador Sung Y. Kim and Philippine Ambassador Jose …

U.S. Ambassador to the Philippines Reaffirms U.S. Government’s Commitment to Development in Mindanao
DAVAO, March 28, 2017 — According to the press-release published by the U.S. Embassy in the Philippines, “Ambassador Sung Y. Kim traveled to Davao on March 27. While in Davao, the Ambassador had a friendly, productive meeting with President Duterte. They discussed the extensive bilateral partnership over the years as …

President Duterte Welcomed the US-Philippines Society
MANILA, PHILIPPINES – Directors of the US-Philippines Society concluded a highly successful five-day business mission to the Philippines on February 24 with a tour of typhoon recovery assistance projects in Tacloban City. President Rodrigo R. Duterte personally welcomed the Society’s bi-national board, led by Co-chairs Manuel V. Pangilinan and Ambassador John D. …

Philippine Star’s Roberto Romulo praised Henry Howard for his contribution to the U.S. and the Philippines
In his Filipino Worldview column of December 9, Roberto R. Romulo wrote about the US-Philippines Society Henry B. Howard as “American friend and philanthropist.” “I met Henry Howard several times in Washington, D.C. during Ambassador Joey Cuisia’s dinners. Everybody seemed to know him. He wasn’t in government and yet during my conversations …

November 16: SAIS Philippines Roundtable on the President Duterte Administration’s Foreign Policy
The Duterte Foreign Policy: Return of Equi-balancing The Duterte Administration has sought to expand partnerships during visits to China, Japan, Indonesia, Brunei, Thailand and Malaysia. President Duterte’s recent actions indicate the Philippines is strengthening its naval and coast guard capabilities with help from Japan and South Korea. With President-elect Donald Trump, the …