Board Meeting & Business Mission
Board Meeting and Business Mission in Manila and site visits to typhoon recovery projects in the Visayas. The U.S.-Philippines Society Board, led by Co-Chairs M.V. Pangilinan and Amb. John D. Negroponte, engaged key Philippine government officials, private sector leaders, and visited Typhoon Haiyan recovery sites, January 29-31, 2015. Source: MANILA …
CFO Chair Imelda Nicolas visits the Society
Commission on Filipinos Overseas Chair, Secretary Imelda Nicolas, visits the Society’s office on July 16. Sec. Nicolas discussed the CFO’s flagship program on Diaspora to Development, which encourages the Philippine diaspora to become partners in the country’s development, including service in the Peace Corps.

Readiness and Resilience: Lessons Learned One Year After Typhoon Haiyan
A year after Typhoon Haiyan struck the Philippines, the US-Philippines Society, Embassy of the Philippines, and CSIS-Sumitro Chair for Southeast Asia Studies presented a highly successful symposium that featured leaders and experts from the Philippines and the U.S. including Philippine Public Works and Highways Secretary Rogelio L. Singson and former …
A Year After the Storm: Recovery and Rehabilitation — at the Philippine Embassy in Washington, DC
In support of the Philippine Embassy Monthly Forum “Talakayan” Series, USPH Society Exec Dir Hank Hendrickson reported on Society contributions and progress on the rebuilding after Typhoon Haiyan. Representatives from other nonprofit organizations – Philippine Humanitarian Coalition and Bohol Restoration Group formed the panel of presenters. Source: TALAKAYAN sa PASUGUAN

Raul Sunico Concert
US-Philippines Society co-sponsored Raul Sunico concert “For Love of Bohol” at Georgetown University. Source: Raul Sunico Concert
William Howard Taft and the Philippines – An Enduring Legacy
US-Philippines Society in partnership with the University Club, sponsored a luncheon series during the University Club’s 110th anniversary year. Featured speakers Ambassador Jose L. Cuisia and Ambassador John D. Negroponte examined the legacy of Taft who was elected as the University Club’s first president.
Diaspora Delegate Trip to the Philippines
In partnership with Philippine Chamber of Commerce and Aspen Institute Diaspora Program, US-PH Society organized the US Trade Mission to the Philippines to provide opportunities for networking, business meetings and site visits to business facilities.

Peace Corps and FYLPRO members promote volunteerism to Fil-Am Community to strengthen ties with their homeland, Philippines
At the Talakayan sa Pasuguan (townhall meeting) co-sponsored by the US-Philippines Society) on 29 September, representatives from the US Peace Corps and FYLPRO shared their experience to members of the Philippine diaspora who may want to volunteer for service in their country of origin. Source: QUARTERLY HIGHLIGHTS | Peace Corps promotes …

Society Directors with Philippine Business Delegation
Society Board Amb. Thomas Hubbard, Amb. John Maisto, Executive Director Hank Hendrickson attend CSIS organized forum for high level Philippine business delegation held at the CSIS building. Source: QUARTERLY HIGHLIGHTS | Society Directors with Philippine Business Delegation

Business Roundtable President Aquino
The US-Philippines Society together with the US-ASEAN Business Council and the US Chamber of Commerce sponsored a roundtable with President Aquino and members of his cabinet on September 23 in New York. Source: QUARTERLY HIGHLIGHTS | Business Roundtable President Aquino