The Philippine Madrigal Singers: Celebrating 50 years of world-class choral singing
The US-Philippines Society and the Embassy of the Philippines in Washington, D.C. celebrates the world-class talent of the Philippine Madrigal Singers at the Crypt Church of the Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception. Source: The Philippine Madrigal Singers performs in DC on May 11, Saturday |
A Panel Discussion on Stanley Karnow’s Southeast Asia
The US-Philippines Society and SAIS presents an informal retrospective on the work and times of the late Stanley Karnow. A distinguished panel addresses questions on how journalists covered and influenced events in vietnam and the Philippines in the second half of the 20th century… A panel discussion on Stanley Karnow’s …
Monetary and Policy Growth in the Philippines
US-Philippines Society and SAIS-Southeast Asia Studies Roundtable features Philippine Central Bank Governor Amando M. Tetangco, Jr. Gov. Tetangco talks about how sound monetary policy of the Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas (Central Bank of the Philippines) pushed the Philippine economy into the spotlight … Source: Philippines Roundtable | Featuring Central Bank …
Investing in the Philippines: A CEO’s Story of the Incredible Transformation of Clark and Succesful Business Operations in the Philippines
Mr. Dennis Wright, Society Board Member and President and CEO of Peregrine Development International, talks about the incredible transformation of a devastated U.S. Air Force Base into a vibrant commercial hub, the benefits and nuances of operating in the Philippines and explains what is fueling the surge in the country’s …
Infrastructure, Public Works and Highway Planning: New Approaches in the Aquino Administration
Philippine Secretary of Public Works and Highways Rogelio L. Singson talks about the administration’s new approaches on infrastructure development in the country. Roundtable series presented by SAIS and US Philippines Society on Philippine affairs Source: Southeast Asia Studies & the SAIS Philippines Roundtable
Bayanihan in Philippines
US-Philippines Society with the US-Philippine Embassy presents the Bayanihan Dance Troupe at the Kennedy Center and Jazz at the Lincoln Center
Conference on “Philippines in the Aquino Generation: Politics, Growth and Security”
The conference features Filipino scholars, prominent Filipino and American participants. This special event is open to the Washington policy community, the SAIS community, and scholars, experts, and students from other academic institutions and research centers, diplomatic missions, business and non-governmental organizations. Source: Philippines in the Aquino Generation : Governance, Growth, …
The Philippines Conference
A Conference on Philippines at the Center for Strategic and International Studies