Make a Donation and Receive a Special Edition Book
Cadet, Soldier, Guerrilla Fighter:
Remembering Bataan and Corregidor
Antonio A. Nieva
In commemoration of the 75th Anniversary of the battles of Bataan and Corregidor
the US-Philippines Society and the family of the late Antonio Nieva invite your attention to this opportunity to make a donation in support of efforts to recognize the service of World War II veterans.
“I have studied the field covered by this book for the past 20 years and I lived out the first seven months of WWII in Manila. The book is remarkable. It actually presents rather startling and new material. I love this book and am pleased that it will take its place in the collections of significant literature about World War II in the Philippines.”
The Filipino Veterans Recognition and Education Project is a nonpartisan, community-based, all-volunteer initiative whose mission is to raise awareness and obtain national recognition of Filipino and Filipino-American WWII Soldiers across the US and Philippines for their wartime service from 1941 to 1946.
DONATIONS are accepted in support of the FilvetREP project to raise funds for a bronze replica of the Congressional Gold Medal to be given to each eligible Filipino veteran.
Pay by check:
Make your check payable to
US-Philippines Society
Please mail to:
1712 N Street NW, Suite 301
Washington, D.C. 20036
US-Philippines Society
Please mail to:
1712 N Street NW, Suite 301
Washington, D.C. 20036
For additional information, please contact
Tel 202-525-3982