Ambassador Frank Wisner: “The United States & the Philippines”
Remarks by Ambassador Frank G. Wisner THE UNITED STATES & THE PHILIPPINES PH-US Trade and Investment Forum US-Philippines Society Board Meeting and Business Mission Manila February 18, 2019 It is a pleasure to return to the Philippines, especially under the auspices of the US-Philippines Society and in the company of …
Video Message from Honorary Chair Maurice Greenberg
Hank Greenberg Message at Wash SyCip Remembrance from US-PH Society on Vimeo.
Video Message from SGV Managing Partner J. Carlitos Cruz
J. Carlitos Cruz Message at Wash SyCip Remembrance from US-PH Society on Vimeo.
Video: Celebrating the Remarkable Life of Washington Z. Sycip (June 30, 1921 – October 7, 2017)
Washington SyCip from US-PH Society on Vimeo.
Wash SyCip Remembrance Remarks by Ambassador John D. Negroponte
Wash SyCip Remembrance Remarks by Amb John D. Negroponte US-Philippines Society Co-Chair Philippine Embassy, June 26, 2018 Ambassador Romualdez, George SyCip, friends and colleagues. I am privileged to join you this evening to celebrate the remarkable life and legacy of Washington SyCip. In my capacity as a former ambassador to …
Washington SyCip Remembrance: Remarks on the links between Mr. SyCip and the metro DC area
Program in Honor of Mr. Washington SyCip Erwin R. Tiongson June 26, 2018 It is an honor to be here with the US-Philippines Society, the Philippine Embassy – all of you – to celebrate the life of an extraordinary individual. I had the privilege of meeting Mr. SyCip some years …
Washington SyCip Remembrance Remarks by George SyCip
US Philippines Society Celebrating the Remarkable Life of Washington Z. SyCip Remarks by George SyCip June 26, 2018, 6:30 PM Philippine Embassy Annex, 2nd Level 1617 Massachusetts Ave NW, Washington, DC 20036 Ladies and Gentlemen, thank you for coming on this very pleasant evening to celebrate the truly remarkable life …