Inauguration of Joseph R. Biden, Jr. as 46th U.S. President

Transcript: President Joseph Biden’s Inauguration Speech
January 19, 2021
The US-Philippines Society joins in welcoming this week’s inauguration of the 46th president of the United States and looks forward to supporting the new team assembled by President-elect Biden. Americans, along with friends and allies around the world, anticipate an orderly transfer of authority consistent with more than two centuries of democratic tradition and respect for the institutions of governance.
As a “big tent” non-partisan organization, the Society recognizes that forging unity of purpose with respect for differences will enhance America’s ability to engage cooperatively with the Philippines and other international partners to address common challenges. Our two countries and peoples have a shared interest in responding to threats of climate change and natural disasters, pursuing rules-based resolutions of disputes throughout the Indo-Pacific, especially in the South China Sea, and securing peace through strategic cooperation. We encourage an international response to Covid-19 and look forward to enhanced post-pandemic trade and commercial relations that bring prosperity and new economic opportunities for working men and women.
Meeting these challenges and seizing the opportunities that lie ahead will require consistent and productive engagement by the leaders and peoples of both countries.
As we enter a New Year, the Society takes this opportunity to reaffirm its commitment to raise awareness of the modern, yet unique and enduring U.S.-Philippines relationship, our shared history, common democratic values and interests.