ArchiveCommunity & Sectoral Outreach

CONGRESSIONAL BRIEFING Philippine Diaspora Fund on Capitol Hill

The US-Philippines Society, The Aspen Institute and APAICS were on Capitol  Hill on July 28 for a briefing on the Philippines Diaspora Fund. Congressional members and staff were briefed on the philanthropic tool which Filipino-Americans can use to make targeted contributions and receive tax benefits.

Alexander Dixon, Executive Director of The Aspen Institute’s policy program on Diaspora Investment Alliance (DIA), hopes to capture the interest of the broader Fil-Am community on diaspora investing and philanthrophy through Donor-Advised Funds (DAF).

Cong. Mark Takai said, “Supporting efforts such as these are crucial in expanding the reach and impact of humanitarian funds deriving from American citizens. I am proud to play a role in helping spread the word about the positive effects of initiatives like the one being discussed today.”


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