Philippine Elections Preview: Perspectives on the Campaign and the Future of US-PH Bilateral Relations
On May 9, the Philippines will elect over 18,000 political positions including a new president and vice-president, half of the Senate, and all of the House of Representatives. During a May 5 online forum, “What the May 9th Election Means for the Philippines and the U.S. Role in Southeast Asia,” …

Post-election Analysis: Outcomes and the Biden Administration’s Policy Priorities
At a November 23 post-election virtual roundtable, Washington insider Jonathan Slade presented an in-depth analysis of the U.S. election outcomes, the impact of changing demographics in key states and an update on the electoral college process. He said the electorate voted for divided government, splitting their tickets as the Republicans …

Panel Discussion: The Future of U.S.-Philippine Alliance
At an October 21 webinar co-hosted by the US-Philippines Society and the Stimson Center, a panel of leading experts provided insights into the Philippines-U.S. alliance as the 1951 Mutual Defense Treaty (MDT) approaches its 70th anniversary. Professor William Wise, Chair of the Southeast Asia Forum at the Stimson Center, framed …

Weekly Issues: The US-Philippines Society’s Partnership with the Stimson Center’s Southeast Asia Forum
William M. Wise Chair of the Southeast Asia Forum at the Stimson Center The partnership between the US-Philippines Society and the Philippines Roundtable — begun at Johns Hopkins-SAIS more than a decade ago – resumed this year as part of the new Southeast Asia Forum at the Henry L. Stimson …