Marawi Update 06/15: Challenges to Peace and Development Following Organized Urban Terrorist Violence in Marawi
WASHINGTON, D.C.- At a June 15 forum, “Mindanao Update in the Aftermath of Marawi: Political, Security and Development,” the Asia Foundation’s new country representative for the Philippines Sam Chittick provided insights into the ongoing battle in Marawi City. The roundtable presentation, organized by the US-Philippines Society in partnership with the …

Philippines 2016: Governance, Growth, Development and Security
WASHINGTON, D.C.- At the April 28 symposium “Philippines 2016: Governance, Growth, Development and Security” leading officials and analysts from the U.S. and the Philippines reflected on initiatives launched under President Aquino as he concludes his six-year term. Panelists highlighted gains from reforms and offered proposals for sustainable growth, poverty reduction and …