Resolution 653: PH Senate Thanks U.S. Government For Bells Return
On June 1, 2021, the Philippine Senate adopted RESOLUTION 653 “Expressing the Profound Gratitude of the Senate of the Philippines for the Return by the United States Government of the Balangiga Bells and Recognizing the Efforts of those who facilitated its return.” The resolution was sponsored by Senator Richard J. …

Dedication Ceremony of the Balangiga Bell Replica at Fort Carson, Colorado
Fort Carson, CO– A replica of one of the three Bells of Balangiga was unveiled at Fort Carson, Colorado during a November 20 ceremony. US-Philippines Society director Henry B. Howard attended the dedication ceremony at the invitation of General (ret) Vincent K. Brooks, a former commander of 2nd Battalion, 9th …

An Opinion Essay: The Significance of the Return of the Balangiga Bells with regard to US-Philippines Relations
February 3, 2019 An Opinion Essay by Ambassador John D. Negroponte Co-chair, US-Philippines Society Washington, D.C. A foreign affairs retrospective on the past year would do well to include an event that merits special recognition – an overdue gesture that quietly ended more than a century of rancor between the …

Speech of President Rodrigo Duterte During the Turnover of Balangiga Bells
Presidential Communications Operations Office Presidential News Desk Speech of President Rodrigo Roa Duterte During the Turnover of the Balangiga Bells Delivered at Balangiga Auditorium, Balangiga, Eastern Samar, 15 December 2018 Kindly sit down. I was given a choice whether I would give a talk or not. But considering the emotional …

Ceremonial Address Marking the Return of the Bells of Balangiga to the Philippines
Ceremonial Address Marking the Return of the Bells of Balangiga to the Philippines U.S. Secretary of Defense James N. Mattis Veterans Remembrance Ceremony Warren Air Force Base, Wyoming November 14, 2018 Thanks very much, ladies and gentlemen. The chaplain spoke about peace and unity, and that’s really what we’re here …

Returning the Bells of Balangiga
On December 11, 2018, at the direction of Secretary James Mattis, the U.S. Department of Defense turned over the three Balangiga bells to the Department of National Defense (DND) of the Philippines at Villamor Air Base, Manila. On Saturday, December 15, the DND turned over the bells to San Lorenzo …

President Rodrigo R. Duterte welcomed the US-Philippines Society in Manila
Malacañan Palace, Manila – President Rodrigo R. Duterte personally welcomed the Society’s bi-national board, led by Co-chairs Manuel V. Pangilinan and Ambassador John D. Negroponte, during a full, friendly and lively exchange at Malacañan Palace on Tuesday, February 20 that included U.S. Ambassador Sung Y. Kim and Philippine Ambassador Jose …

US Veterans: Return of Balangiga Bells to Samar is the Right Thing to Do
U.S. Veterans, led by Dennis Wright and Dan McKinnon, are gathering support from US Congressmen to remove a legislative barrier to return Balangiga Bells to the Church in Samar, believing “it’s the right thing to do.”