April 10: Economic Briefing and Investment Opportunities in the Philippines
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Dr. Ernesto M. Pernia is the Secretary of Socioeconomic Planning, National Economic and Development Authority, Philippines. He is also Professor Emeritus of Economics, University of the Philippines. Dr. Pernia was Lead Economist at the Asian Development Bank. His work experience covered investment climate and productivity, economic growth and poverty reduction, education and health, population and development, and regional economic cooperation in Asia. He was also Regional Adviser on population and employment policy for Asia and the Pacific with the International Labour Organization. He has served as chair of the board of trustees of the University of San Carlos, and a director on the board of the Philippine-American Academy of Science and Engineering. He is also on the boards of some NGOs involved in education and health concerns, and population and development. He is a former President of the Philippine Economic Society. He obtained his PhD degree from the University of California Berkeley on a Ford Foundation scholarship. He received the first award as Outstanding Young Scientist (economics and social sciences) from the National Academy of Science and Technology. He was chosen by the Philippine-American Academy of Science and Engineering (PAASE) for the 2015 Science Lectureship Award. He has been inducted to the PAASE Hall of Honor as of April 2018. Dr. Pernia has authored several books and articles in national and international journals. He was an occasional contributor of public-interest commentaries in major Philippine and some international dailies.