Broad-based Partnerships to Combat Climate Change in the Philippines
Washington DC – The US-Philippines Society co-hosted a February 2 virtual forum featuring expert panelists USAID Deputy Assistant Administrator Craig Hart, National Resilience Council President Ma. Antonia Yulo Loyzaga, and the Philippine Disaster Resilience Foundation President Rene Meily. Philippine Ambassador to the U.S. Jose Manuel Romualdez gave introductory remarks. Panelists …

Recorded Forum | Combating anti-Asian Violence in the U.S. and Beyond
Click play to view the April 28 virtual program on anti-Asian violence. Distinguished panelists Ambassador Jose Manuel Romualdez, Senator Susan Lee (Maryland-District 16), Smithsonian Institute Interim Director Theodore Gonzalves offered perspectives on the causes of anti-Asian attitudes, a historical context and policy recommendations. The program was a partnership between the …